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Do we really use only 10% of our brain: Busting a Human Brain Myth

Every animal; mammals, reptiles, amphibians — possesses a brain. However, the human brain appears to...

6 Companies that Culture Hack

Cultivating great organizational culture is no longer just an option, it’s a must. Today’s workforce...

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Your mind can be an extremely powerful tool. Through your unique upbringing and different forms...

How Your Beliefs Shape Your Life

Sometimes, beliefs can limit our happiness and potential. Far too often, they are so deeply...

Why do We Dream?

Dreams can be pleasant, horrid or outright creepy. We all dream — even if we...

The Importance of a Culture Transformation

If you work in an organization, you may have recently heard the term culture transformation....

How to Make Meditation a Daily Habit

Meditation is known to be the global leader in sky-rocketing productivity. But meditation has a...

Sugar vs. Fat: Who is the Real Public Enemy?

For decades, there has been much contemplation as to whether fat or sugar is to...

Why You Should Juice

Juicing refers to the process of extracting vitamins, liquids, and minerals from raw vegetables and...

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness is the essence of being aware and to realize the world around us. It...

Brain Plasticity: Re-shaping the Mind

Brain plasticity is the extraordinary power that enables the brain to modify its makeup and...

What it Means to Go Green

Our bodies endure a lot every day; we subject them to fast foods, polluted air;...
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