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Realized Mind

An Immersive Experience that Integrates
Ancient Wisdom & Modern Insights
to Transform Yourself

Mindset | Values | Energy

Are you looking to Shift Your Mindset and Enhance your Energy to Create Vibrant Health, Thriving Relationships and Financial Success?

SmartMinds welcomes you to Realized Mind.

This experience is like no other personal growth course; it’s a transformative experience. Gain profound knowledge and powerful strategies to energize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, seamlessly integrating them into your daily life for lasting vitality and purpose.

Featuring six immersive video sessions, guided meditations, and a comprehensive knowledge base, this program also provides detox and nutritional support, healing bio-hacks, and a 28-day holistic challenge. Through actionable practices, it equips you with the master tools for growth, clarity, and transformation.

Ready to realize your full potential? Your transformational journey starts here—no risk, all growth, with our 30-day money-back guarantee.

Session Breakdown

Realized Mind

  • The Realized Mind experience was one of those pivotal discoveries where once you have seen it, you can’t unsee it. It sets the challenge to truly live the most authentic and transparent version of yourself equipping you with the tools that both challenge and inspire. While it may be confronting and raw, its honest and relatable, full of compassion with immediate effect, altering the way in which you see yourself, others, your environment and energy. Step into the world of the conscious behaviour, thoughts and language, cause and effect, manifestation, truly love yourself by slowing it down and give yourself permission to be your best by understanding your energy and the way in which it effects those around you and your environment. A true life altering experience that does not miss, discriminate or judge. It will only empower and educate so hold on tight you’re about to get a real upgrade.

    Petrea Hewitt
  • Realized Mind changed my life. I have been on a spiritual journey for over 15 years and thought I knew “everything”. Having two kids, massive sleep deprivation and mourning the loss of my parents – I first had a lot of resistance towards the things “this white privileged man, living in Bali” was telling me in the recordings. I thought – “I know all that – AND it’s not that easy!” But since I had the privilege of meeting Mark briefly and could witness the impressive aura he has, the high frequency he and his team was vibrating on, I thought, “Okay, the one complaining here is me. ”So I let my guard down, detected the limiting beliefs, the stories I was telling myself and I listened to Realized Mind again. And again. And again. And the transmission started to sink in on a deeper level. The moment I started to really LIVE by it, to take it seriously my life gradually started to lose its seriousness. I cannot believe the changes that occurred. The space that opened up. Realized Mind is for everyone who is done following spiritual orders that only lead to the next cage, everyone who wants to break free from the matrix and experience full self mastery, compassion and FUN.

    Alicia Hafner
  • The Realized Mind is not just another new age, self development offering, it’s an invitation to transform your mindset. To support the transition from old man-made ideas and constructs designed to subvert and diminish, to more expansive ways of thinking and feeling, aligned with nature, abundance, which ultimately hold the potential to reconnect our ability to co-create with life itself. It’s intended to support personal self realisation, recognising the inherent benefits to collective consciousness, as each individual comes on line. A prerequisite to rolling out the Earth Ledger platform, which in itself, is designed to support the growing community emerging out of the the Realized Mind. Holding truth and integrity at its core, Realized Mind, effortlessly guides us to see with new eyes, as it harmonises all fractals within our reality, from the largest, global (macro), to the smallest individual (micro).

    Steven Haggart
  • An exceptional overview of total transformation, simplified. This is a resource you can return to again and again to remember that you hold incredible power to forge your future and view life through a much more fulfilling lens as part of a collective. It refines game-changing information into a remarkably hopeful path forward—one you can start today and be excited to embark on. As an author on the intelligence of happiness, I find this to be one of the most concise bodies of work I have come across, and I highly recommend it!

    Gi Gi O'Brien
  • The personal breakthroughs that I have experienced in the Realized Mind have been nothing short of transformational, with benefits across my work and my life. I’ve seen significant growth in my business, reached new creative depths, had more intimacy in my relationships with my family and friends, and developed a deeper warmth and love toward myself even when I fall short of my ambitions. Knowing the deep connection between emotions, energy and living my word to eventual outcomes has been life changing.

    Ajay Dugar
  • When I was first introduced to the Realized Mind I was not in a great spot. I had no energy and felt as if the world was caving in on me. When I began my journey with this experience the most important thing it got me to focus on was restoring my energy and zest for life and it reframed my entire view on myself and the world. Like anything in life it requires commitment, however if you want real life altering change the Realized Mind if the best thing you can do for yourself. I would recommend the process to anyone.

    Nick Adams

What You’ll Recieve


Deeply shift your perspective on life and transform what you think, believe and see into the highest version of yourself, by developing a powerful mindset. 


Understand the subconscious nature of values and how to select new ones to reshape your mind. Experience the positive impact of living a values-driven life.


Discover the intangible connection between your personal energy and the performance and outcomes of life. Learn how to cultivate your energy in an effective way.

“Everything is already inside of us. Every answer to every single thing that’s ever existed is inside of us. We’re connected to something much greater”

– Mark Copeland

Realized Mind Presenter

Access the Tools to Transform Your World

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we are integrated with AfterPay, you may select this option during this checkout process to schedule multiple smaller payments.

What do I get?

You will receive six video sessions, a solfeggio frequency guided meditation, one podcast-style audio of the full experience so you can listen on a portable device, comprehensive energy manifesto to support you on your journey, a multi-phase transformation calendar filled with tangible practices and supportive guides, as well as a mindset check-up and other interactive self-reflections throughout the transformative experience.

How can I get involved?

You may apply to join our Partners Program if you want to collaborate. Please visit our Partners Site to learn more about our offerings.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes we do! We have a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. All we ask is that within the 30 days you complete the immersive experience and if you truly feel you did not receive any value from the experience we are happy to refund your payment.

Do I need to complete every session?

Yes, each session is designed to take you on a journey of yourself. Each session provides a new angle on how to transform your mindset.

How much time should I spend on the Immersive Experience?

We highly recommend you create the space and time to watch and listen to all six sessions the first time you engage in the transformative experience. Take your time to process all of the information and revisit regularly to deepen your understanding further. Each time you revisit the content, you will hear or see things in a new way.


When you invest in Realized Mind, your transformation goes beyond personal growth—it becomes a powerful contribution to global impact. Earth Ledger is an initiative applying the strength of collective consciousness, frontier technology, and the intelligence of nature to create a regenerative and thriving planet... Learn More